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Python NumPy For Your Grandma
1. Course Introduction
1.1 Introduction (0:40)
2. Basic Array Stuff
2.1 NumPy Array Motivation (5:31)
2.2 NumPy Array Basics (6:11)
2.3 Creating NumPy Arrays (4:38)
2.4 Indexing 1-D Arrays (5:55)
2.5 Indexing Multidimensional Arrays (5:32)
2.6 Basic Math On Arrays (1:55)
2.7 Challenge: High School Reunion (2:47)
2.8 Challenge: Gold Miner (2:54)
2.9 Challenge: Chic-fil-A (4:40)
3. Intermediate Array Stuff
3.1 Broadcasting (4:59)
3.2 newaxis (1:45)
3.3 reshape() (4:35)
3.4 Boolean Indexing (3:41)
3.5 nan (1:16)
3.6 infinity (1:33)
3.7 random (11:08)
3.8 Challenge: Love Distance (2:58)
3.9 Challenge: Professor Prick (3:38)
3.10 Challenge: Psycho Parent (4:02)
4. Common Operations
4.1 where() (3:19)
4.2 Math Functions (2:23)
4.3 all() and any() (1:06)
4.4 concatenate() (1:19)
4.5 Stacking (3:58)
4.6 Sorting (4:17)
4.7 unique() (1:32)
4.8 Challenge: Movie Ratings (2:54)
4.9 Challenge: Big Fish (3:01)
4.10 Challenge: Taco Truck (3:57)
5. Advanced Array Indexing
5.1 Advanced Array Indexing (7:31)
5.2 View vs Copy (2:36)
5.3 Challenge: Population Verification (7:33)
5.4 Challenge: Prime Locations (4:01)
5.5 Challenge: The Game Of Doors (5:55)
5.6 Challenge: Peanut Butter (6:19)
6. Final Boss
6.1 as_strided() (3:42)
6.2 einsum() (4:52)
6.3 Challenge: One-Hot-Encoding (3:51)
6.4 Challenge: Cumulative Rainfall (4:00)
6.5 Challenge: Table Tennis (8:26)
6.6 Challenge: Where's Waldo (4:51)
6.7 Challenge: Outer Product (6:59)
6.2 einsum()
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